Today more than ever,
Bible-believing Christians are seeking to understand how our lives as followers of Jesus overlap with the realm of the civil government. In an age of dramatic political polarity, Christian believers are seeking Biblical answers to crucial questions: How does the State impact our daily lives, our families, and our churches? Does the sphere of the Kingdom of God overlap with the sphere of the civil magistrate? What does the Bible say about the role of the church and the state? In this conference, we will attempt to provide some Biblical clarity on these questions.
We have gathered some of the most important thinkers and speakers on this topic available in Western Pennsylvania: Dr. T. David Gordon is a retired professor and noted New Testament scholar at Grove City; Dr. Barry York is the President of Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh; Dr. Jonathan Watt is a multifaceted thinker, writer, and professor at Geneva College; Dr. Jay Neikirk is a college professor and clerk of Ascension Presbytery; the Hon. Cheryl Allen is a well-loved and respected judge and legal scholar; and Pastors Dr. Matthew Everhard, Rev. David T. O'Leary and Rev. Jared Nelson are ministers in local PCA churches.
Each speaker will attempt to bring clarity to these questions from the perspective of their own unique training and background.

Conference Video
How much does the conference cost?
Attendance is free! Donations are completely voluntary and may be made during online registration or through Gospel Fellowship’s donation page.
Are the sessions recorded?
Yes! We generally post lecture recordings to our YouTube channel shortly after the conference ends.
Which hotels do you suggest?
Comfort Inn, Butler: 1 Comfort Ln, Butler PA 16001
Hilton Garden Inn, Cranberry/Pittsburgh: 2000 Garden View Ln, Cranberry Twp, PA 16066
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Previous Conferences
2022: The Image of God
2021: The Pursuit of Christ